Do you have good DevOps?

Having “good DevOps” isn’t about having any one tool or practice in place, it takes many elements and people working together.

Having “good DevOps” isn’t about having any one tool or practice in place, it takes many elements and people working together.

I’ve developed this scorecard over 7 years with input from customers, employers, and peers; including presenting and discussing it at industry meetups and DevOpsDays conferences. Use it to assess your DevOps and uncover opportunities to fine-tune.

This list is intended as an end-goal for any organization, however most will never achieve all of these due to particular staff, funding, or security constraints or considerations. With the combined effort of your engineering teams, and the support of management and the wider organization, you should be able to achieve most of the following and enjoy the many benefits of sound DevOps.

The DevOps Scorecard

Take the quiz for a dynamic score result:

Having trouble launching? Open the DevOps Scorecard on Typeform

Grab a printable copy of the list

Many of the items on the scorecard are starting points for optimization.

Use it to fine-tune your DevOps procedures and practices, and see how your score improves (along with your performance metrics!).

Coming up

We plan to delve into the many points raised in the scorecard, providing practical guidance and insight to help any organization improve their DevOps.

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